August is National Wellness Month!

August is National Wellness Month!
mature blonde woman wearing a hat meditating under a tree

Strive for Wellness

As summer festivals come to an end and schools re-open, your body (not to mention your inner-child) may resist as you attempt to adapt to your new schedule. As that shift unfolds, forget about overnight perfection. It’s a process like most things. Be gentle with yourself and shift your thinking. You couldn’t keep up that schedule forever, could you? Think of the new season for what it is: An opportunity to strive for wellness in spite of the stress of your regular routine.

Daily Wellness Tips

Practicing healthy habits every day is the best way to improve physical and mental health so you experience thriving as opposed to merely surviving. Here are a few simple tips inside and outside our spas to encourage you to build a steady foundation, in other words, a recipe for a daily wellness routine.  

  1. Meditation
    Our state of health begins in the brain. Our thought patterns, stress levels and ability to cope rely heavily on the attention we pay to our mental health. Meditation is a way to give your busy mind a much-needed rest. There are many ways to approach meditation, which doesn’t have to involve sitting in lotus position. The main goal is to give your thinking muscles a chance to rejuvenate. Spending some time each day to pause and quiet your thoughts is the act of meeting yourself where you are--just as you meet others where they are. We love the free app Insight Timer that offers a large library of guided mediations.
  2. Refuel & Hydrate
    Think of the body as a machine. If you expect it to keep running without interruption for years and years, you can’t either forget or choose not to give it enough fuel and water. Nutrition and hydration are not optional for this kind of machine, so make it a priority no matter how little free time you think you have. There are plenty of time-sucking activities that can be cut and replaced with healthy habits so that our bodies don’t have to suffer. With minimal preparation, we can plan to make certain we afford ourselves nutritious options. Healthline offers an abundance of healthy and portable snacks that can be prepped and ready for people on-the-go.
  3. Enjoy Nature
    Connecting with Mother Nature is always a good idea, though you may have to leave the four walls of your home or office to do it. There’s no shortage of beauty all around us if we take the time to discover it. Immersing your weary mind and body in a nature spree, whether it means a hike, a bike ride on your favorite trail or some quiet time in the park, is a form of meditation that almost always results in rejuvenation. Search for local trails in your area by visiting All Trails to plan an outdoor adventure for yourself, your friends, and maybe even your pets! Taking the time in the morning or after dinner to enjoy a walk in your neighborhood is a chance to breathe fresh air and connect with your community.
  4. Sleep Hygiene
    Sleep is essential for anyone who values health and wellness. To avoid bad decision making, the pain of heavy eyelids and falling asleep at the wheel, it is important for adults to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night. If this seems out of reach, you aren’t alone, but you also won’t be alone in your suffering through the day. Setting a bedtime routine and sticking to it creates a healthy habit that can improve every aspect of your life. If you have trouble sleeping, consult with a specialist to find out if you have sleep apnea, which can make it physically impossible to get proper rest. Visit for helpful tips to craft your personalized bedtime routine to improve your sleep habits.  
  5. Homecare
    Home is meant to be a sanctuary---a safe, clean space for retreating and decompressing after a busy day. Explore some simple suggestions about how to appoint your home with useful and beautiful items designed to enhance comfort and connection to your personal space at Healthista and Natural Body Spa & Shop’s online shop.

Let Natural Body Spa & Shop help you ease back into your routine. Visit one of Natural Body Spa & Shop’s 10 locations in Georgia or Tennessee today. If you prefer, you can pick-up products and gift cards curbside or shop online today.


  1. All Trails (hiking):
  2. leep Hygiene:
  3. Healthy & Portable snacks:
  4. Meditation:


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